QtlMovie 1.12 (A specialized FFmpeg front-end)
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CQtlAutoGridA simple grid container which rearrange the children based on its size
 CQtlBoundProcessAn encapsulation of QProcess which reports only the final state
 CQtlBoundProcessResultResult of a process execution
 CQtlBrowserDialogA subclass of QtlDialog which implements a browser
 CQtlButtonGridA containers for buttons with a grid layout and id values
 CQtlByteBlockDefinitions of a generic block of bytes
 CQtlCheckableHeaderViewA subclass of QHeaderView with a checkbox in the first column
 CQtlDataPullBase class to pull data from a base class into asynchronous devices such as QProcess or QTcpSocket
 CQtlDataPullSynchronousWrapperA class which synchronously waits for a QtlDataPull
 CQtlDialogA subclass of QDialog with additional features
 CQtlErrorBaseBase class for objet reporting errors
 CQtlFileBase class of a file description
 CQtlFileDataPullA class to pull data from a list of files into an asynchronous device such as QProcess
 CQtlFilePathFilterInterfaceAn interface class used to filter file paths
 CQtlFileSlicesA read-only file device with sequential access on a list of data slices
 CQtlFixedSizeTableWidgetA subclass of QTableWidget which enforces a fixed table size
 CQtlGeometrySettingsInterfaceAn interface class used to save and restore the geometry of widgets
 CQtlIncrementA class which safely increment and equivalently decrement a counter
 CQtlIntValidatorA subclass of QValidator which accepts all 32-bit decimal or hexadecimal integers
 CQtlIsoLanguagesUsing ISO language and country codes
 CQtlLineEditA subclass of QLineEdit with enhancements
 CQtlLoggerInterface class for a simple message logger
 CQtlMediaStreamInfoDescription of a stream (video, audio, subtitle) in a multimedia file
 CQtlMovieAboutMediaToolsA subclass of QDialog which implements the UI for the "About Media Tools" action
 CQtlMovieActionA class which represents an action which starts, progresses and completes
 CQtlMovieAudioTestDialogA subclass of QtlDialog which implements the UI for the "Audio Test" action
 CQtlMovieCcExtractorProcessAn execution of CCExtractor
 CQtlMovieCleanupSubtitlesA class to cleanup subtitles files
 CQtlMovieClosedCaptionsSearchThis file scans a multimedia file and searches Closed Captions streams
 CQtlMovieConvertSubStationAlphaA class to subtitles files from SSA/ASS to SRT format
 CQtlMovieDeleteActionAn action which deletes one or more files or directories
 CQtlMovieDeviceProfileThis structure defines the type and screen size of a device (iPad, iPhone, etc)
 CQtlMovieDvdAuthorProcessAn execution of DVD Author
 CQtlMovieDvdExtractionSessionA complete DVD extraction session
 CQtlMovieDvdExtractionWindowA subclass of QMainWindow which implements the UI for the DVD Ripper application
 CQtlMovieEditSettingsA subclass of QtlDialog which implements the UI for the "Edit Settings" action
 CQtlMovieEditTaskA subclass of QWidget which implements the UI for the editing a task
 CQtlMovieEditTaskDialogA subclass of QtlDialog which implements the UI for the editing a task
 CQtlMovieExecFileDescribe an executable file such as ffmpeg, ffprobe, etc
 CQtlMovieFFmpegProcessAn execution of FFmpeg
 CQtlMovieFFmpegVolumeDetectAn execution of FFmpeg with the audio filter "volumedetect"
 CQtlMovieFFprobeTagsDefine a map of tags/values from ffprobe output
 CQtlMovieGrowisofsProcessAn execution of growisofs
 CQtlMovieHelpA class to display help files in an external browser
 CQtlMovieInputFileDescribes an input video file
 CQtlMovieInputFilePropertiesDialogA subclass of QtlDialog which implements the UI for the "View Input File Properties" action
 CQtlMovieJobA complete transcoding job
 CQtlMovieMainWindowA subclass of QMainWindow which implements the UI for the application
 CQtlMovieMainWindowBaseA subclass of QMainWindow, used as intermediate base for the main UI's in the application
 CQtlMovieMkisofsProcessAn execution of mkisofs
 CQtlMovieNewVersionA class to check the existence of a new version of the application on the network
 CQtlMovieOutputFileDescribes an output video file
 CQtlMovieProcessAn execution of a media tool process
 CQtlMovieSettingsDescription of the global settings of the application
 CQtlMovieSettingsMigrationMigration of QtlMovie settings from old to new format
 CQtlMovieTaskA class implementing one transcoding task
 CQtlMovieTaskListA list of transcoding tasks
 CQtlMovieTeletextExtractThis class extracts one Teletext subtitle stream from an MPEG-TS file into an SRT file
 CQtlMovieTeletextSearchThis class scans an MPEG-TS file and searches Teletext subtitle streams
 CQtlMovieTsDemuxAbstract base class to read an MPEG-TS file and demux its content
 CQtlMutexLockerDirect subclass of QMutexLocker
 CQtlNamedIntComboBoxA subclass of QComboBox which takes its list of values from a QtlNamedIntSet
 CQtlNamedIntSetA class containing a set of integer values with names
 CQtlNullLoggerAn implementation of QtlLogger which drops all messages
 CQtlNullMutexLockerAPI-compatible with QtlMutexLocker but does nothing
 CQtlOpticalDriveA class which describes an optical disc drive in the system
 CQtlPasswordDialogA subclass of QDialog which implements the UI for entering a password
 CQtlPlainTextEditA subclass of QPlainTextEdit with additional features
 CQtlPlainTextLoggerA subclass of QPlainTextEdit which implements QtlLogger interface
 CQtlPointerListDefinition of a list of pointers which deletes the pointed items on destruction
 CQtlProcessA subclass of QProcess with additional features
 CQtlRangeA class which describes a contiguous range of qint64 integer values
 CQtlRangeListA class which extends a list of QtlRange
 CQtlSelectionRectDelegateA subclass of QStyledItemDelegate which draws a rectangle around selected items
 CQtlSettingsA base class for application settings
 CQtlSimpleWebRequestA class which performs one simple HTTP request, expecting a text response (HTML, XML, whatever, but not binary data)
 CQtlSmartPointerTemplate smart pointer (reference-counted, auto-delete, optionally thread-safe)
 CQtlStdoutLoggerAn implementation of QtlLogger which prints messages on standard output or other standard files
 CQtlStringListA subclass of QStringList with specialized constructors
 CQtlSubRipGeneratorGenerate subtitles in SubRip format (aka SRT)
 CQtlSubStationAlphaFrameDescription of a frame of Sub Station Alpha (SSA/ASS) subtitles
 CQtlSubStationAlphaParserA basic parser for Sub Station Alpha (SSA/ASS) subtitles files
 CQtlSubStationAlphaStyleDescription of a style of Sub Station Alpha (SSA/ASS) subtitles
 CQtlSynchronousProcessImplements the execution of a synchronous process
 CQtlSysInfoAn extension of QSysInfo
 CQtlTextFileViewerA subclass of QtlDialog which displays the content of a text file
 CQtlTlvA template class for TLV items (Tag / Length / Value)
 CQtlTlvListA template class for lists of TLV items (Tag / Length / Value)
 CQtlTlvTableWidgetA subclass of QTableWidget to edit a list of TLV items
 CQtlTranslatorA subclass of QTranslator with extended file search capabilities
 CQtlUninitializedExceptionDefine the exceptions which are thrown when a QtlVariable instance is used without being initialized
 CQtlVariableA template class which defines a variable which can be either initialized or uninitialized
 CQtlVersionDescription of an application version
 CQtsAbstractDescriptorAbstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI descriptors
 CQtsAbstractLongTableAbstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI tables with long sections
 CQtsAbstractTableAbstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI tables
 CQtsCrc32Cyclic Redundancy Check as used in MPEG sections
 CQtsDemuxAbstract base class for transport stream demultiplexers
 CQtsDescriptorRepresentation of a binary MPEG PSI/SI descriptor
 CQtsDescriptorListList of MPEG PSI/SI descriptors
 CQtsDvdBandwidthReportA utility class to report transfer bandwidth on DVD media
 CQtsDvdDataPullA class to pull data from an encrypted DVD into an asynchronous device such as QProcess
 CQtsDvdDirectoryA class which describes a directory on DVD
 CQtsDvdFileA class which describes a file on DVD
 CQtsDvdMediaDescription of a DVD media
 CQtsDvdOriginalCellA class describing a cell inside the original input VOB's of a DVD, before DVD production
 CQtsDvdProgramCellA class describing a cell inside a DVD program
 CQtsDvdProgramChainA class which describes a Program Chain (PGC) in a DVD Video Title Set (VTS)
 CQtsDvdProgramChainDemuxA class to demultiplex a Program Chain (PGC) from a DVD Video Title Set (VTS)
 CQtsDvdProgramChapterA class describing a chapter inside a DVD program
 CQtsDvdTitleSetDescription of a "Title Set" in a DVD
 CQtsExtTableIdExtended table id (include table id extension)
 CQtsPesDemuxThis class extracts PES packets from TS packets
 CQtsPesHandlerInterfaceInterface to be implemented by classes which need to be notified of PES packets using a PES demux
 CQtsPesPacketBasic definition of an MPEG-2 PES packet(Packetized Elementary Stream)
 CQtsPrivateDataSpecifierDescriptorThe DVD-defined private_data_specifier_descriptor
 CQtsProgramAssociationTableThe MPEG-defined Program Association Table (PAT)
 CQtsProgramMapTableThe MPEG-defined Program Map Table (PMT)
 CQtsSectionRepresentation of a binary MPEG PSI/SI section
 CQtsSectionDemuxThis class extracts PSI/SI sections and tables from TS packets
 CQtsSectionHandlerInterfaceInterface to be implemented by classes which need to be notified of sections using a section demux
 CQtsStandaloneTableDemuxA QtsSectionDemux which extracts MPEG tables without external handler
 CQtsTableRepresentation of a binary MPEG PSI/SI table
 CQtsTableHandlerInterfaceInterface to be implemented by classes which need to be notified of tables using a section demux
 CQtsTeletextCharsetImplementation of a Teletext character set
 CQtsTeletextDemuxThis class extracts Teletext subtitles from TS packets
 CQtsTeletextDescriptorThe DVD-defined teletext_descriptor
 CQtsTeletextFrameDescription of one Teletext frame
 CQtsTeletextHandlerInterfaceInterface to be implemented by classes which need to be notified of Teletext messages using a Teletext demux
 CQtsTimeStamperTime stamp management per PID
 CQtsTsFileA subclass of QFile which reads and writes MPEG transport stream packets instead of raw data
 CQtsTsPacketBasic definition of an MPEG-2 transport packet