CQtlAutoGrid::ChildBox | Description of one child widget in the grid |
CQtlDataPull::Context | Describe the context of one device |
CQtsDescriptorList::Element | Each entry contains a descriptor and its corresponding private data specifier |
CQtsTeletextDescriptor::Entry | Describe a teletext entry in the descriptor |
CQtsSectionDemux::EtidContext | This internal structure contains the analysis context for one TID/TIDext into one PID |
CQtsDvdProgramChainDemux::VobFileSet::File | |
CQtsDvdProgramChainDemux::InputSectors | A class to compute ranges in contiguous input sectors |
CQtlNullMutexLocker::Mutex | The Mutex type for this locker class |
CQtlMovieEditSettings::OutputDirectory | Description of an output directory settings |
CQtlMovieDvdExtractionSession::OutputFile | Inner private class describing one transfer |
CQtsPesDemux::PidContext | This internal structure contains the analysis context for one PID |
CQtsSectionDemux::PidContext | This internal structure contains the analysis context for one PID |
CQtsTeletextDemux::PidContext | This internal structure contains the analysis context for one PID |
►CQComboBox | |
CQtlNamedIntComboBox | A subclass of QComboBox which takes its list of values from a QtlNamedIntSet |
►CQDialog | |
►CQtlDialog | A subclass of QDialog with additional features |
CQtlBrowserDialog | A subclass of QtlDialog which implements a browser |
CQtlMovieAboutMediaTools | A subclass of QDialog which implements the UI for the "About Media Tools" action |
CQtlMovieAudioTestDialog | A subclass of QtlDialog which implements the UI for the "Audio Test" action |
CQtlMovieEditSettings | A subclass of QtlDialog which implements the UI for the "Edit Settings" action |
CQtlMovieEditTaskDialog | A subclass of QtlDialog which implements the UI for the editing a task |
CQtlMovieInputFilePropertiesDialog | A subclass of QtlDialog which implements the UI for the "View Input File Properties" action |
CQtlTextFileViewer | A subclass of QtlDialog which displays the content of a text file |
CQtlPasswordDialog | A subclass of QDialog which implements the UI for entering a password |
►CQException | |
CQtlUninitializedException | Define the exceptions which are thrown when a QtlVariable instance is used without being initialized |
►CQFile | |
CQtsTsFile | A subclass of QFile which reads and writes MPEG transport stream packets instead of raw data |
►CQHeaderView | |
CQtlCheckableHeaderView | A subclass of QHeaderView with a checkbox in the first column |
►CQIODevice | |
CQtlFileSlices | A read-only file device with sequential access on a list of data slices |
►CQLineEdit | |
CQtlLineEdit | A subclass of QLineEdit with enhancements |
►CQList | |
CQtlPointerList< T > | Definition of a list of pointers which deletes the pointed items on destruction |
CQtlRangeList | A class which extends a list of QtlRange |
CQtlTlvList< TAG, LENGTH, ORDER > | A template class for lists of TLV items (Tag / Length / Value) |
►CQMainWindow | |
►CQtlMovieMainWindowBase | A subclass of QMainWindow, used as intermediate base for the main UI's in the application |
CQtlMovieDvdExtractionWindow | A subclass of QMainWindow which implements the UI for the DVD Ripper application |
CQtlMovieMainWindow | A subclass of QMainWindow which implements the UI for the application |
►CQMap | |
CQtlMovieFFprobeTags | Define a map of tags/values from ffprobe output |
►CQMutexLocker | |
CQtlMutexLocker | Direct subclass of QMutexLocker |
►CQObject | |
CQtlBoundProcess | An encapsulation of QProcess which reports only the final state |
►CQtlDataPull | Base class to pull data from a base class into asynchronous devices such as QProcess or QTcpSocket |
CQtlFileDataPull | A class to pull data from a list of files into an asynchronous device such as QProcess |
CQtsDvdDataPull | A class to pull data from an encrypted DVD into an asynchronous device such as QProcess |
CQtsDvdProgramChainDemux | A class to demultiplex a Program Chain (PGC) from a DVD Video Title Set (VTS) |
CQtlDataPullSynchronousWrapper | A class which synchronously waits for a QtlDataPull |
CQtlErrorBase | Base class for objet reporting errors |
►CQtlFile | Base class of a file description |
CQtlMovieExecFile | Describe an executable file such as ffmpeg, ffprobe, etc |
CQtlMovieInputFile | Describes an input video file |
CQtlMovieOutputFile | Describes an output video file |
CQtlIsoLanguages | Using ISO language and country codes |
►CQtlMovieAction | A class which represents an action which starts, progresses and completes |
CQtlMovieCleanupSubtitles | A class to cleanup subtitles files |
CQtlMovieConvertSubStationAlpha | A class to subtitles files from SSA/ASS to SRT format |
CQtlMovieDeleteAction | An action which deletes one or more files or directories |
CQtlMovieDvdExtractionSession | A complete DVD extraction session |
CQtlMovieJob | A complete transcoding job |
►CQtlMovieProcess | An execution of a media tool process |
CQtlMovieCcExtractorProcess | An execution of CCExtractor |
CQtlMovieClosedCaptionsSearch | This file scans a multimedia file and searches Closed Captions streams |
CQtlMovieDvdAuthorProcess | An execution of DVD Author |
►CQtlMovieFFmpegProcess | An execution of FFmpeg |
CQtlMovieFFmpegVolumeDetect | An execution of FFmpeg with the audio filter "volumedetect" |
CQtlMovieGrowisofsProcess | An execution of growisofs |
CQtlMovieMkisofsProcess | An execution of mkisofs |
►CQtlMovieTsDemux | Abstract base class to read an MPEG-TS file and demux its content |
CQtlMovieTeletextExtract | This class extracts one Teletext subtitle stream from an MPEG-TS file into an SRT file |
CQtlMovieTeletextSearch | This class scans an MPEG-TS file and searches Teletext subtitle streams |
CQtlMovieNewVersion | A class to check the existence of a new version of the application on the network |
CQtlMovieTask | A class implementing one transcoding task |
►CQtlSettings | A base class for application settings |
CQtlMovieSettings | Description of the global settings of the application |
CQtlSimpleWebRequest | A class which performs one simple HTTP request, expecting a text response (HTML, XML, whatever, but not binary data) |
CQtlSubStationAlphaParser | A basic parser for Sub Station Alpha (SSA/ASS) subtitles files |
CQtlSynchronousProcess | Implements the execution of a synchronous process |
CQtsDvdMedia | Description of a DVD media |
►CQPlainTextEdit | |
CQtlPlainTextEdit | A subclass of QPlainTextEdit with additional features |
CQtlPlainTextLogger | A subclass of QPlainTextEdit which implements QtlLogger interface |
►CQProcess | |
CQtlProcess | A subclass of QProcess with additional features |
►CQStringList | |
CQtlStringList | A subclass of QStringList with specialized constructors |
►CQStyledItemDelegate | |
CQtlSelectionRectDelegate | A subclass of QStyledItemDelegate which draws a rectangle around selected items |
►CQSysInfo | |
CQtlSysInfo | An extension of QSysInfo |
►CQTableWidget | |
CQtlFixedSizeTableWidget | A subclass of QTableWidget which enforces a fixed table size |
CQtlMovieTaskList | A list of transcoding tasks |
CQtlTlvTableWidget | A subclass of QTableWidget to edit a list of TLV items |
CQtlBoundProcessResult | Result of a process execution |
CQtlFilePathFilterInterface | An interface class used to filter file paths |
►CQtlGeometrySettingsInterface | An interface class used to save and restore the geometry of widgets |
CQtlSettings | A base class for application settings |
CQtlIncrement< INT > | A class which safely increment and equivalently decrement a counter |
►CQtlLogger | Interface class for a simple message logger |
CQtlMovieAction | A class which represents an action which starts, progresses and completes |
CQtlNullLogger | An implementation of QtlLogger which drops all messages |
CQtlPlainTextLogger | A subclass of QPlainTextEdit which implements QtlLogger interface |
CQtlStdoutLogger | An implementation of QtlLogger which prints messages on standard output or other standard files |
CQtlMediaStreamInfo | Description of a stream (video, audio, subtitle) in a multimedia file |
CQtlMovieDeviceProfile | This structure defines the type and screen size of a device (iPad, iPhone, etc) |
CQtlMovieHelp | A class to display help files in an external browser |
CQtlMovieSettingsMigration | Migration of QtlMovie settings from old to new format |
CQtlNamedIntSet | A class containing a set of integer values with names |
CQtlNullMutexLocker | API-compatible with QtlMutexLocker but does nothing |
CQtlOpticalDrive | A class which describes an optical disc drive in the system |
CQtlRange | A class which describes a contiguous range of qint64 integer values |
CQtlSmartPointer< T, MUTEXLOCKER > | Template smart pointer (reference-counted, auto-delete, optionally thread-safe) |
CQtlSmartPointer< QtlSubStationAlphaStyle, QtlNullMutexLocker > | |
CQtlSmartPointer< QtsDescriptor, QtlNullMutexLocker > | |
CQtlSmartPointer< QtsDvdProgramChain, QtlNullMutexLocker > | |
CQtlSubRipGenerator | Generate subtitles in SubRip format (aka SRT) |
CQtlSubStationAlphaFrame | Description of a frame of Sub Station Alpha (SSA/ASS) subtitles |
CQtlSubStationAlphaStyle | Description of a style of Sub Station Alpha (SSA/ASS) subtitles |
CQtlTlv< TAG, LENGTH, ORDER > | A template class for TLV items (Tag / Length / Value) |
CQtlVariable< T > | A template class which defines a variable which can be either initialized or uninitialized |
CQtlVersion | Description of an application version |
►CQTranslator | |
CQtlTranslator | A subclass of QTranslator with extended file search capabilities |
►CQtsAbstractDescriptor | Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI descriptors |
CQtsPrivateDataSpecifierDescriptor | The DVD-defined private_data_specifier_descriptor |
CQtsTeletextDescriptor | The DVD-defined teletext_descriptor |
►CQtsAbstractTable | Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI tables |
►CQtsAbstractLongTable | Abstract base class for MPEG PSI/SI tables with long sections |
CQtsProgramAssociationTable | The MPEG-defined Program Association Table (PAT) |
CQtsProgramMapTable | The MPEG-defined Program Map Table (PMT) |
CQtsCrc32 | Cyclic Redundancy Check as used in MPEG sections |
►CQtsDemux | Abstract base class for transport stream demultiplexers |
►CQtsPesDemux | This class extracts PES packets from TS packets |
CQtsTeletextDemux | This class extracts Teletext subtitles from TS packets |
►CQtsSectionDemux | This class extracts PSI/SI sections and tables from TS packets |
CQtsStandaloneTableDemux | A QtsSectionDemux which extracts MPEG tables without external handler |
CQtsDescriptor | Representation of a binary MPEG PSI/SI descriptor |
CQtsDescriptorList | List of MPEG PSI/SI descriptors |
CQtsDvdBandwidthReport | A utility class to report transfer bandwidth on DVD media |
►CQtsDvdFile | A class which describes a file on DVD |
CQtsDvdDirectory | A class which describes a directory on DVD |
CQtsDvdOriginalCell | A class describing a cell inside the original input VOB's of a DVD, before DVD production |
CQtsDvdProgramCell | A class describing a cell inside a DVD program |
CQtsDvdProgramChain | A class which describes a Program Chain (PGC) in a DVD Video Title Set (VTS) |
CQtsDvdProgramChapter | A class describing a chapter inside a DVD program |
CQtsDvdTitleSet | Description of a "Title Set" in a DVD |
CQtsExtTableId | Extended table id (include table id extension) |
CQtsPesHandlerInterface | Interface to be implemented by classes which need to be notified of PES packets using a PES demux |
CQtsPesPacket | Basic definition of an MPEG-2 PES packet(Packetized Elementary Stream) |
CQtsSection | Representation of a binary MPEG PSI/SI section |
CQtsSectionHandlerInterface | Interface to be implemented by classes which need to be notified of sections using a section demux |
CQtsTable | Representation of a binary MPEG PSI/SI table |
►CQtsTableHandlerInterface | Interface to be implemented by classes which need to be notified of tables using a section demux |
CQtlMovieTeletextSearch | This class scans an MPEG-TS file and searches Teletext subtitle streams |
CQtsStandaloneTableDemux | A QtsSectionDemux which extracts MPEG tables without external handler |
CQtsTeletextCharset | Implementation of a Teletext character set |
CQtsTeletextFrame | Description of one Teletext frame |
►CQtsTeletextHandlerInterface | Interface to be implemented by classes which need to be notified of Teletext messages using a Teletext demux |
CQtlMovieTeletextExtract | This class extracts one Teletext subtitle stream from an MPEG-TS file into an SRT file |
CQtsTimeStamper | Time stamp management per PID |
CQtsTsPacket | Basic definition of an MPEG-2 transport packet |
►CQValidator | |
CQtlIntValidator | A subclass of QValidator which accepts all 32-bit decimal or hexadecimal integers |
►CQVector | |
CQtlByteBlock | Definitions of a generic block of bytes |
►CQWidget | |
►CQtlAutoGrid | A simple grid container which rearrange the children based on its size |
CQtlButtonGrid | A containers for buttons with a grid layout and id values |
CQtlMovieEditTask | A subclass of QWidget which implements the UI for the editing a task |
CQtsProgramAssociationTable::ServiceEntry | Describes a service entry in the PAT |
CQtlSmartPointer< T, MUTEXLOCKER >::SmartShared | Shared implementation of the smart pointer |
CQtsSectionDemux::Status | Demux status information |
CQtsProgramMapTable::StreamEntry | Describes a stream entry in the PMT |
CQtlTlvList< TAG, LENGTH, ORDER >::TagDefinition | Internal structure to hold a tag definition |
CQtsTeletextDemux::TeletextPage | Structure of a Teletext page |
CQtsDvdProgramChainDemux::VobFileSet | A class which is used to read from VOB files |